Tuesday, December 14, 2010

To Clearify...

I feel like since some who read this i don't know or don't see often, I should clarify just so everyone who reads knows where I am coming from. In regards to the previous post, I am not one of those people who is against, having a house, full-time job, a car, or going to college, etc...But the question I am asking is why? It all comes down to your motives for doing or having anything. Why are you going to college? Is it because that is what everyone does and thus you assume you should too? Or is because you feel God calling you there? If you have a house is it just for you? Or do you have a house so that you can house others, take people in who don't have much, host times of fellowship and worship for the body? Or a car so that you can share it with others? Do you have a full-time job? Why? Is it out of obedience so you can support others who God has not called into full-time jobs, missionaries, the homeless,etc.. or because you need money to buy stuff to live comfortably yourself and collect more stuff over time and stock pile resource in a 'barn'. "Stuff" isn't bad, in and of itself but...

The bottom line is, we are blessed to be a blessing.

Everything we have we are given by God, not to horde but to distribute, to bless others. Learn to live with open hands.(See past blog entitled, "Economy of the Kingdom" for more on this idea.)

Fear is a big reason most people don't open up there homes or give freely of what they have. Fear of getting a bit uncomfortable. Fear of what others will think if they see a homeless person living in their nice beautiful home. Fear that it could be risky to let others use their car...what if they crash it? Fear that they may not have enough if they keep giving away and thus turn inward and have a 'fend for yourself' attitude while Jesus only had a 'fend for others' attitude. Fear that it could put your kids in jeopardy...but even your kids are not your own. They are just on loan from God. Stop thinking that you own anything!

The list could go on and on. But here is where intimacy with Jesus is so important to have saturating your life through prayer, worship, fellowship, Bible, etc...

The closer you get to Jesus the less fear you will have, because Jesus is Perfect Love...

...and Perfect Love casts out fear.(1 John 4:18)