Friday, September 30, 2011

The Father's Best

While here in London my heart has ached for home, and I have felt very alone. I miss my family and friends. But it is here in this place, the place of the wilderness, where Jesus teaches us to lean. Song of Songs 8:5 puts it perfectly: "Who is this coming up from the wilderness leaning on her beloved?" He is removing everything that i have been leaning on, only to show that He is sufficient.

It is in this place where stuff we know about God in our head is tested, and its this testing that will move the head knowledge the 18 inches into our hearts, and solidify it. I have known for a while that Jesus has the best for me but lived my life in such a way that showed that I didn't believe it. I have often tried to gather via my own strength, what i thought would be best for me whether it be relationships, plans, dreams, etc... God has asked me put all those on the alter if I really believed that he had the best. I was clearly unwilling to put ALL on the alter, I thought just a few things here and there would be good enough, so God in his mercy put me on the alter and set me ablaze. My dreams, plans, etc...were all burned up, and I began to be refined. It hurts so much, but here is the firs fruits of it my friends: Jesus has brought me to a place where I actually believe that he has the best! That his will is not only the best for him, but it is the best for me too!!  

This isn't to say we can't or shouldn't have dreams hopes and plans, even those can often be God given. We just need to remember to hold them loosely, believing that if he does change them, then it really is for the best.

He really wants to bless us and take us on a wild adventure with him, and this is the proof: "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" (Rom. 8:32). He won't force us to come along. He lets us chose and we can chose our wants, desires, plans, and he will love us all the way through, but we will be missing out on so much, and it will be a lot more work when we realize that we are using our own strength to get to places in life instead of being blown by the Wind of God. The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit." (John 3:8) We also come to find that when we go where we think is best, or do what we think is best, we wind up disappointed because it didn't fill that gap or satisfy us the way the will of God always does. We look for freedom, only to find that it's only the will of God that we are truly free. 
With that said, I have come to find that it is easier said than done. But God knows our hearts and even if we don't have strength to give up our dreams and ambitions, plans, he in his mercy will set things on the alter if our spirits are willing, despite our flesh being so weak. The fire of his mercy and kindness can hurt but it really is for our good. The best that he has for us doesn't always equal easy, comfortable, or fun, but it is all for our best.

Let us always remember that no matter the shaking around us, God's character never is shaken.

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