Friday, July 1, 2011

Soverignty and Freedom

Lately God has been growing my faith in his goodness and kindness toward me. If you had asked me a few weeks ago if God had the best plan for my life and that he works all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose, I would have said absolutely. I believed it, in my head,and I knew that's what God was like, but when hard things happen it really exposes your faith in his Word. Do you really trust that God has the best for you? Do you really believe that he works everything for your good if you love him? As God has been growing my faith in his Word and his kindness I have found his sovereignty so freeing! Even when things that I don't want to have happen happen, I can still delight in the fact that this will work out for my good! I can just sit back and rest in his arms and say I will go wherever, but if you don't want me there, then I don't want to be there. To know that he is in control and that he is crazy about me has given me such joy and peace. Rest in his kindness my friends. Trust in his plan. He is sovereign and he is good.

Finally, I Surrender - Misty Edwards

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you,Chris. So happy to have this blog so we can follow what the Father is up to in your life. To understand His rest we know will be a great help as you continue on this journey.

    Praying blessings and favor upon you wherever you walk!!!!
