Saturday, July 23, 2011

Week 3: Freedom in Christ

The first nine days here at YWAM Kona were spent getting free of a lot of things that have hindered us for most of our lives if not all. The root of a lot of our bondage comes  from unbelief. We simply don't believe that God's Word is true. Now I, like most of you, when asked would always tell people that God's Word is true, but the problem is our lives don't reflect it, and if we really believed it, our actions would testify of our belief.

"Even though we know all the promises of Scripture are true, it is easy to lose focus and become weighed down with cares, defeat, past hurts, hopelessness, and other areas of sin that keep us in bondage. These hindrances steal our intimacy with Christ and the joy of our salvation. Put simply, getting free, is about becoming more like Jesus and reflecting his love and power to everyone around us." *

"Freedom is not just about changing our behavior, it is about letting God change or very being! The goal is not to learn new information that we can store away, but the goal is transformation" *

Four basic areas:
  • Repent - of believing the lie of Satan instead of the Truth of God
  • Receive - Know/believe that you have been forgiven and move forward
  • Rebuke - the enemy and his past hold over your life
  • Replace - the spirit of ___ with the Truth of who God is and who He created you to be.  i.e. "I am___"

The first step is that you have to want to be set free. Some people have been in bondage so long that they are afraid to live life without it. Then you need to identify the sin and bondage that you want to be set free of, here are just a few: Shame, rejection, unforgiveness, anger, fear, passivity, body image, spirit of death (suicidal thoughts, self hatred, etc..) Then repent of believing the lies that the enemy has been speaking to you, and call sin sin. Then rebuke the enemy in Jesus name and finally ask God how he sees you via his Word and prayer (and if available, prophesy). Here is where unbelief is killing us and where I have been experiencing real freedom: Finally we believe what God says about us in that area and receive his identity for us and actually walk in the faith that this is who we are.This does not remove temptation from our lives or the enemy telling us lies, but what it does is in those moments, we are able to say to the enemy, NO! That is not who I am, I am______!

I hope this makes sense. If not or if you would like to learn more on getting free from the bonds that you were never meant to carry, then let me know!

If you want to hear the exact teachings we have heard on this in full check out the Circuit Riders podcast and listen to "Freedom to revival", "the unoffendable heart", and "Faith first, feelings second" by Brian Brennt

"[It is God] who delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver us, in whom we trust that he will still deliver us" 2 Cor. 1:10

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; but I came so that they may have life, and have it abundantly." John 10:10

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ is a new creation. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"  2 Cor. 5:17

* Taken from:
"Knowing Christ intimately. Experiencing Life Abundantly." by Brian and Christy Brennt

Break Every Chain - United Pursuit


  1. Very cool brother, sounds almost exactly like the beginning of my first year.
    Isn't it wonderful learning this in an environment such as the one you are in for the conference! :)

  2. By chance are these the Scriptures that accompany
    the Fire & Fragrance podcast (2/2/11) If they are not
    would you kindly be able to post them & the questions
    that accompany them? Thank you!

  3. No they aren' sorry. I didn't do the F&F, just Circuit Riders. Sorry!

  4. Chris, reading your blog is such a confirmation of what God is doing in my life! I am in Costa Rica now doing my DTS with YWAM and God is rocking my world. Our third week here I experienced this freedom in Christ during our Inner Healing week. It's so freeing to confess these things that are keeping us from God and give them up to Him. Our identity should be in Christ and nothing else!
