Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 2: School of the Circuit Riders - YWAM Kona

The more you know God, the more you will love him.
The more you love him, the more you will be able to love people.
Gods keeps no record of wrongs, if you are in Christ he has erased all record of your sins. They are gone. Live like it. Then go and do likewise and erase the record of wrongs done to you and view others through that clean slate, just as you are viewed through it by the Father.

There are about 300 people in our school, burning with revival fires in their heart, who are sold out on making Jesus famous in all the world. They are people who devote themselves to prayer and the Word of God. They are ones who love outrageously, who are full of faith and empty of cynicism and critical spirits, who are are passionate about the Word of God, and who walk in the power of the Spirit as they preach the gospel and love the least of these. Ones who speak truth, but so long as its coupled with love and ones who show love by speaking truth. We are about to see one of the biggest moves of God in history in the next 10 years. God is raising up a generation who are after one thing. Jesus. Knowing Jesus. at all costs. and then going out in simple obedience with a faith that obeys every word he says, without question, in both the big and little things of life. The wave of revival is coming and Jesus wants you to be a part of it. Are you willing to devote your whole life to this man Jesus? Are you willing to make your first priority to know him? and your second to making him known? This is what you were born for. To know him. God is going to use every vessel that is willing to go after him with wreckless abandon, to change the world in our generation and to complete the work of the great commission. I am serious. Wycliffe Bible translators predict that every tribe tongue and nation will have the Bible in their language by 2025. Matt. 24:14 says, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will  come." I don't know when Jesus is coming back but I know that time is short.

Simple obedience is the door. Intimacy with God is the key.

You For me personally, I really am having trouble articulating in words what is happening in me here. The best way that I can describe it is Jesus is doing a total cleansing. In the last few days I found that I was so full of unbelief, so full of a criticism, judgementalism, pride, and fear. But Jesus has done a major house cleaning in my heart and I have NEVER been so free in all my life! Basically, in the culture that all of us grow up in is so full of unbelief, criticism, etc and we are mostly blind to it... but because we are saturated in it, when we, or anyone, step out in faith we think, "Wow, that person has a lot of faith and are fearless" When the reality is that person is has just had a moment of or an act of faith when that is how every second of everyday is supposed to be lived. Does this make sense? I hope so, I am trying to articulate something that i really don't have words for, but let me put it in really simple terms: THERE IS SO MUCH MORE FREEDOM, MORE FAITH, MORE LOVE, FOR EVERYONE WHO IS IN CHRIST! WE HAVE YET TO SEE A SINGLE PERSON LIVE AN AVERAGE CHRISTIAN LIFE!

This is the best I got but if you want to hear the teachings that are rocking everything in our lives here at YWAM Kona then check out "The Circuit Riders" Podcast on iTunes for free! It is so worth the time listening. I can't recommend it enough.


  1. Hmmm, "empty of cynicism and critical spirits" I am definitely not empty of that.... But I'm not ashamed to admit that? I think that its healthy to at least be critical. Doesn't the bible say to weigh everything you hear against scripture? What do you think?

  2. Katy! I totally get where you are coming from. I was there just a week ago. We have been so saturated cynicism and criticalness since we were born that it just seems normal and we are blind to how much it hinders us! The people here are lovers of Truth! and yes the idea is to filter everything through the Word, AMEN! But it is actually possible to do that in a positive way and not a negative or un-trusting way. Usually the first thing we do is point out what we think is wrong, but hardly ever point out what is right. I am not saying we ignore something if it isn't in line with the Word, but we see the good stuff and encourage people and then if necessary we speak the truth so long as it's coupled by love. Does that make sense? I hope so. Thanks so much for your thoughts Katy! I really do appreciate it.

  3. Ohh, thanks. I will definitely have to be patient and learn to do it in a positive way. My nature is just, so much, to be critical. I have such a rebellious nature that I relish in being a non-conformist. In order for me to be a non-conformist and a Christian I often find myself criticizing "the Church" every chance I get...
